Indian superstar and part-time philosopher Shah Rukh Khan recently hit a milestone in Facebook fandom, reaching 15 million LIKES.
To celebrate his ability to interact with 15 million fans, he took time to create a series of videos featuring entertaining and shareable "gyaan" - life teachings and musings - FACEBOOK style.
SRK 15 Million Facebook Style (Part 1)So here goes the first part of my Facebook Style gyaan/ musings/ whatever you choose to call it... Thank you, 15 million!
Posted by Shah Rukh Khan on Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Do what you LIKE and LIKE what you do. And success will FOLLOW.
Be the person everybody wants to be a FRIEND of or be prepared to be UNFRIENDED ... especially if you use words like "swag", "yolo". Yeah, 100% unfriended.
Stick to TIMELINES ... that's something that I need to do most.
Give. Give ... not until it hurts. Give until it feels good. SHARE happiness. SHARE love.
Be good to everyone. Be gracious. Be nice to everyone. It does not matter what their STATUS is.
And here's the second part of the Facebook gyaan trilogy!
Posted by Shah Rukh Khan on Friday, September 25, 2015
Shhhh. Keep silent and be thought of as a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. So COMMENT only when need be. COMMENT when you know enough.
Keep a tab on the latest TRENDS ... or just check out my page and see what's happening there :) .
Do the right thing always and you'll earn the right TITLE.
As utopian as it might sound, do not judge people by their GROUPS.
The APPLICATION of the mind, body and soul is a must. Accompany it with a shot of espresso and you'll be there.
And here's the final one of the three. That's enough of gyaan, Facebook style or not. Once again, thank you 15 million! Love you all...
Posted by Shah Rukh Khan on Sunday, September 27, 2015
Build a world around you to BLOCK negativity.
Guys, please don't STALK the girl that you want to woo like I did in Darr. Remember how that ended.
Girls, please don't REPORT the boys because they don't meet up with the high standards of love that I've set (and boys, I'm really sorry. This pose just works for me. It doesn't work for everyone).
Let your INTERESTS instill creativity. By that I don't mean write a book or write a poem. Just live your life like one. Live your life like a poem.
And last, but not the least ... Do not, do not, do not lose your cool when POKED. I learned that the hard way. It's not good to do so.
Shah Rukh Khan's final thought: "Be happy, be healthy and have a good life."
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